Saturday, November 20, 2010


I have a theory in life. There are only two things that you should ever "buy" from a telephone pole.One is anything you find at the yard sale being advertised on it. The other is the puppy or kitten (often free) that an exacerbated parent it sleeplessly trying to get rid of. Other than that nothing good is going to come from your drive-by, bargain hunting experience.

Does the term " Phen Phen " still ring a bell? If not, it was a weight loss drug that cornered the pole advertising technique many years ago. It was great until people started dropping dead from cardio-hypertension. Pole advertising is the equivalent of Walmart putting razors and breath mints near the check out counter. Do you really need the Mach III blades that bad? Why on earth would you be inclined to buy your new kitchen re-model while going 45 miles an hour?

Maybe my expectations are too high, but I kind of prefer a business card and references when I'm shopping for something that has at least one comma in the price. I'm not very inclined to seek the services of Dr. or Esquire Phone Pole.

So, here is my list of services you should NEVER, EVER,EVER,EVER buy from a pole:

6. Hair Replacement Surgery (This is always a touchy subject with a man of my hairline)
5. Home Re-Modeling Contractors
4. Loan Modification Companies(It doesn't even read right, huh?)
3. Any Attorney Service( God forbid I need a divorce, bankruptcy or bail! But that's not the place I want to learn about my representation)
2. Mortgage Loan (Is it really a stretch to think the "Rates as low as 2%" sign might be a lie?)
1. Realtor(Begrudgingly, I'll give you bus bench, shopping cart handle advertising. But seriously now? Do you really want to list or buy your home from someone tacked to the Haven offramp directional sign?)